Friday, August 6, 2021

How to grow Cucumbers in your backyard

Hey guys what's up, it's been a while since I last shared. I am sorry I have not deserted you. Was just working through some stuff. I am back. This time I will be sharing with you my experiences with planting cucumbers. 

So this is a very easy crop to plant, maintain and reap. 

The first thing that you need to do is clear a nice patch in your backyard, or at the side, or wherever you have the space. Plow it up nice and properly. Your seeds must be dried and nice. You may dry your own seeds from the cucumber you used, by placing them into the sun or buying a pack of seeds from your local farm store. Your seeds should have no moisture at all. 

Make sure your plot is somewhere that it will get sun and make sure you can water at least once per day. 

After the land is prepared, you can dig some very shallow holes that can be three feet apart.  Cucumber is a vine plant that runs so you will need space for it to either run on the ground or on a nearby tree or if you plan to plant poles that the vines can run on. Whichever one you choose is fine, there is no wrong or right way. as long as it has room to run that's all it needs. 

Place at least three seeds in each hole. So as not to have them crowded and choked up.

The next step is to water the area properly, for each hole you can pure at least a cup of water, you can now cover the seeds with soil not too tight, just cover lightly. Leave it to now do its thing the sun and soil and water will work together and within seventy-two hours you will see your little babies start shooting out of the soil. Make sure to water early in the morning or before the sun goes down in the evening. Not too much water to beat down the small sprouts but enough to keep the soil hydrated. Use a sprinkler hose or jug if it's available, if not take your time and sprinkle water at the roots and on the leaves.

Within the first week, you should see your cucumber trees have pushed out and are ready to run, you may gently guide the plant where you would like for it to run. After three to four weeks of care and water, you should see some yellow flowers start growing on the stems, this is how you know you have been doing a great job and that you only need to keep up the good work. By the fifth week, you should see baby cucumbers replacing the flowers. They will look little and scrawny at first but after a week six to seven, you will start to see beautiful green cucumbers on the stems of your cucumber plant. 

In the seventh to eight weeks, you may start to reap your cucumbers so that you can enjoy them with your family or if you want to share it's up to you. After reaping, pull up the cucumber stems and plant new seeds as you can only reap from them once. 

Some persons add fertilizers to their cucumbers for faster growth, that is fine just do not add too much as fertilizers have a tendency to kill your plants if it is misused.

Good luck with your cucumber garden and I hope you have fun planting. Keep safe and remember to wash your hands. 

Hey there