Saturday, April 10, 2021

Addiction- is a condition that can be controlled

 Addiction- the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity.

Addiction comes in many shapes and forms. It can be an addiction to alcohol, sex, eating, drugs, or even to exercising. When someone is addicted to something they feel like they have to be doing that thing or that they will die or they won't make it through the day. Addiction can change your life for the better or for the worst. 

For the better yes, you can be addicted to keeping good habits. That is a good addiction to have, for example, if someone is addicted to eating only healthy foods, that is a healthy addiction. If someone is addicted to only doing the right thing all the time that is another great addiction.

The funny thing with addiction is that it normally starts from a habit. It then develops into something that you can't do without, then it becomes a part of your everyday routine, then you are addicted. With most addiction there is an easy fix, you can simply decide that you don't like it anymore and you can just gradually stop, it does take having a strong mindset and willpower. Some addictions can be stopped in a matter of days or weeks depending on the circumstances. However, some addictions have to be worked on for a longer period of time to be able to get over. 

For a smoker, it's hard to get over smoking cigarettes if there is someone around you that smokes, for a drinker it's the same. If you take yourself away from the temptation for example going to a rehabilitation centre or taking steps like working with a life coach then the habit can be curbed and you can be helped. 

Then there is the monster killer responsible for multiple deaths. It starts out with a pill, then you feel like you have to take another and then it seems every day you are taking two or more. Then it feels like it's not doing what you want it to do so you try a higher dosage. At first, you feel kind of guilty and you want to stop, but then you like the high it gives o you to take more. Then all of a sudden you can't keep track of how many you have taken but you still have that need for more.

 This is the point when you need to come to the realization that you need help and get the help you need. Don't wait until you are passed out cold on the floor or you wake up in a hospital bed, or even worst .....DEAD. 

                    Wake up...Don't wait....get help...addiction is real.....

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